At Farr Yacht Design, we are committed to a positive impact on our environment. All water sports participants deserve clean water and clean air. We pledge to do our part, as water sport enthusiasts and as a business, to ensure that current and future generations can enjoy their time on the water.



  • We will complete the retrofit of our office space with LED lighting, resulting in an energy savings of 50 percent on lighting, and eliminating the use of CFLs containing mercury.
  • We turn off lights, computers and other equipment in our office when not in use, or when natural light is sufficient.
  • Part time spaces use motion sensors to turn lights and fans on/off.
  • We schedule employee travel in the most efficient way, using public transportation when available.
    • We use online conferencing and teleconferencing whenever possible to reduce emissions associated with travel.
  • We only purchase ENERGY STAR labeled electronic equipment for our office.
  • We offer preferred parking for bicycles at our office building.
  • Our office space is separated into two climate controlled zones with thermostats. This results in a more efficient use of our HVAC system.



  • We use native plants in the landscape around our office building and no irrigation is required.
  • We have eliminated bottled water.
  • Toilets are set to a maximum of 1.6 gallons per flush.


Other resources:

  • We limit the usage of paper in our office — printing drawings and documents only when needed — and only purchasing paper from FSC responsible sources.
    • Faxes are entirely conducted through email.
  • We only use re-useable plates and utensils.



  • We pledge to design our products and services in a way that minimizes environmental impact, from the beginning of the design process, through the material and construction methodology, and with an eye toward product recycling.


  • We recycle paper, cardboard, glass and plastic. Recycling bins are located throughout the office, collecting any items which can be re-used.
  • Mercury-containing lightbulbs, toner cartridges, ink and batteries are collected and recycled. Electronics waste is disposed of using recyclers and remanufacturers with third-party certifications (R2/RIOS™ and e-Stewards)


We commit to an ongoing evaluation of these goals and policies, measuring our impact on the environment, and taking further steps to reducing our impact. Our strategy to reduce our impact is not static — instead, it will evolve. We will continually challenge ourselves to do more.

Farr Yacht Design

100 Severn Avenue, Suite 101

Annapolis, MD 21403

©  2018